Edited Books
- Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media Special
Issue, Magnetic Resonance Imaging 12 No. 2, 1994. Eds G C Borgia,
P Fantazzini, J C Gore, M E Smith and J H Strange
- Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media Special
Issue, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 1996. Eds G C Borgia, P Fantazzini,
J C Gore, M R Halse and J H Strange.
- Proceedings of The Third International Meeting on Recent
Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media Special Issue, Magnetic
Resonance Imaging, 1996. Eds G C Borgia, P Fantazzini, J C Gore,
M R Halse and J H Strange
- Proceedings of the Fourth International Meeting on Recent
Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media. Special Issue ,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 1998, Eds G C Borgia, P Fantazzini,
J C Gore, and J H Strange ISSN 0730-725X
- Structure and Dynamics of Cyclohexane in Bulk and Constrained
Geometry, with J.C. Dore, M. Dunn, T. Hasebe and M-C Bellissent-Funel
in 'Dynamics of Disordered Materials', 37, p144, D. Richter,
A.J.Dianoux, W. Petry and J.Teixeira (Eds.) Springer-Verlag
(pub.) 1989.
- Characterisation of Porous Materials by NMR, J.H.Strange
in Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena p54-55 , D Ziesspw,
W Lubitz, F Lendzian (Eds.) Tech Univ of Berlin (Pubs.)
- Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis.
Rigden, JS; Dore, JC; North, AN. 1994.
Determination of Anisotropic Features in Porous Materials by
Small-Angle X-Ray-Scattering.
Characterization of Porous Solids Iii 87: 263-271.
- Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis.
Szczygielska, A; Burian, A; Duber, S; Dore, JC; Honkimaki, V. 2002.
Structural Studies of Saccharose- and Anthracene-Based Carbons by
High Energy X-Ray Scattering.
Characterization of Porous Solids Vi 144: 561-568.
- Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis.
Dore, JC; Benfield, RE; Grandjean, D; Schmid, G; Kroll, M; Le Bolloc'H, D.
2002. Structural Studies of Mesoporous Alumina Membranes by Small Angle
X-Ray Scattering.
Characterization of Porous Solids Vi 144: 163-170.
- Phase relations for water and ice in confined geometry.
John Dore, Beau Webber, Peter Behrens, Christian Haggenmuller,
Dan Montague. New kinds of phase transitions: transformation
in disordered substances. V.V. Brazhkin et al (Eds.) Kluwer
Academic Publishers, Netherlands, 469-480, 2002.
- Structural change and nucleation characteristics
of water/ice in confined geometry.
John Dore, Beau Webber, Dan Montague, Thomas Hansen.
Novel Approaches to the Structure and Dynamics of Liquids: Experiments, Theories and Simulations,
Ed. J. Samios and V.A. Durov (Eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Netherlands, 143-156. 2004.
- Characterising Porous Media. John Beausire Wyatt Webber,
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Kent, UK, 2000.
On the Web :
Diffusion in Molecular-crystals.
J.M. Chezeau & J.H. Strange.
Phys. Rep.,
Neutron-diffraction Study of Cubic Ice Nucleation In A Porous Silica Network.
Journal of Physical Chemistry,
Neutron-diffraction Studies of Water In Porous Silica .2. Temperature-variation In the Super-cooled Regime.
Molecular Physics,
Structural Features of Liquid Ccl4 In Porous Silica.
Chemical Physics Letters,
Neutron-diffraction Studies of Ice Nucleation In Porous Silica.
Journal De Physique,
Structural Studies of Ice Formation In Porous Silicas By Neutron-diffraction.
Journal of Crystal Growth,
- Orientationally Disordered Crystals in Porous Silica: Cyclohexane,
with J.C. Dore, M. Dunn and T. Hasebe, Colloids and Surfaces,
36, 199-207, 1989.
- The Effects of Pore and Particle Geometry on NMR Diffusion
Measurements in Adsorbed Liquids with S. Bahceli, A.R.S. Al-Kaisi
and K. Krynicki, in Studies of Surface Science and Catalysis,
62, 293-300, 1991.
- Investigation of Ionic Transport in Composites by Nuclear-Magnetic-Resonance. Strange, JH; Rageb, SM; Slade, RCT. Philosophical Magazine A-Physics of Condensed Matter Structure Defects and Mechanical Properties 64 (5): 1159-1166. 1991.
- NMR Studies of the Diffusion of Cyclohexane in Porous Silica
A. Mitzithras, F.M. Coveney and J.H. Strange, Journal of Molecular
Liquids, 54, No.4, p273-281, 1992.
- Structural Features of The Liquid Plastic Crystal Phase-Transition For Cyclohexane in Bulk and Confined Geometry. Farman, H; Coveney, FM; Dore, JC. Physica B 180: 857-860, Part B. 1992.
- Characterisation of Porous Solids by NMR. J.H. Strange, M.Rahman
and E.G. Smith, Physical Review Letters, 71, No. 21, p3589-3591,
- The Characterization of Porous Solids by NMR S.M. Alnaimi,
J.H. Strange and E.G. Smith, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 12,
No. 2, pp. 257-259, 1994.
- NMR Studies of Molecular Mobility and Diffusion in Porous
Systems E.G. Smith, J.W. Rockliffe, P.J. McDonald, A. Lonergan,
M.R. Halse, B. Leone and J.H. Strange, Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
12, No. 2, pp. 231-234, 1994.
- Diffusion of Fluids in Confined Geometry A. Mitzithras and
J.H. Strange, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 12, No. 2., pp. 261-263,
- Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media J.H. Strange, Magnetic
Resonance Imaging, 12, No. 2, pp. 161-162, 1994.
- Ingress of Water into Zeolite 4A Powder Plugs B. Leone, M.R.
Halse, J.H. Strange, A.R. Lonergan, P.J. McDonald and E. Smith,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 12, No. 2, pp. 247-248, 1994.
- Cryoporometry: A new nmr method for characterising porous
media J.H. Strange, Non-destructive Testing and Evaluation,
11, 261-271, 1994.
- A study of the diffusion of decane into lightly cross-linked
natural rubber by broad-line MRI M.R. Halse, H.J. Rahman and
J.H. Strange, Physica B 203, (1-2): 169-185, 1994.
- Structure of Cobalt Aerosol-OT Reversed Micelles Studied by Small-Angle Scattering Methods. Eastoe, J; Steytler, DC; Robinson, BH; Heenan, RK; Norht, AN; Dore, JC. Journal of The Chemical Society-Faraday Transactions 90 (17): 2497-2504. 1994.
- Small-Angle Scattering Studies of Meso-Scopic Structures with Synchrotron X-Rays. Dore, JC; North, AN; Rigden, JS. Radiation Physics and Chemistry 45 (3): 413-426. 1995.
- A Li-7 and F-19 NMR Relaxation Study of Licf3So3 in Plasticized Solid Polyether Electrolytes. Ali, F; Forsyth, M; Garcia, MC; Smith, ME; Strange, JH. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance 5 (3): 217-225. 1995.
- Pore size distribution mapping. J H Strange, J B W Webber
and S D Schmidt, Magnetic Resonance Imaging 14, 7/8, 803-805,
- Phase equilibria of absorbed liquids and the structure of
porous media J H Strange, S G Allen, P C L Stephenson and N
P Matveeva, Magnetic Resonance Imaging 14, (7-8): 963-965, 1996
- NMR techniques in materials physics: a review. M E
Smith and J H Strange, Measurement Science and Technology 7, (4)
449-475, 1996.
- Critical scattering by fluid cyclohexane in porous silica.
J.B.W. Webber, J.C. Dore, H. Fischer and L. Vuillard.
Chemical Physics Letters, 253, 367-371, 1996.
- Structural Modification of Water in The Confined Layer of A Lamellar Liquid Crystal. Baker, JM; Dore, JC; Seddon, JM; Soper, AK. Chemical Physics Letters 256 (6): 649-652. 1996.
- Conductivity and NMR Properties of Plasticized Polyethers Complexed with Lithium Salts. Forsyth, M; Garcia, M; Macfarlane, DR; Ng, S; Smith, ME; Strange, JH. Solid State Ionics 86-8: 1365-1370, Part 2. 1996.
- Morphology of porous media studied by nuclear magnetic resonance
S G Allen, P C L Stephenson and J H Strange J. Chem. Phys.,
106, (18): 7802-7809, 1997.
- Multidimensionally Resolved Pore Size Distributions. J H
Strange and J B W Webber, Applied Magnetic Res., 12,(2-3): 231-245,
- Nucleation of Ice in Confined Geometry. Baker, JM; Dore, JC; Behrens, P. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 101 (32): 6226-6229. 1997.
- Spatially resolved pore size distributions by NMR. J H Strange
and J B W Webber, Meas. Sci. Tech., 8, No 5, 555-561, 1997.
- Organic Nano-crystals: an NMR Study of Cyclohexane in Porous
Silica. H F Booth and J H Strange, Molec Phys. 93, (2): 263-269, 1998.
- Internal Surfaces of Porous Media studied by NMR Cryoporometry.
S G Allen, P C L Stephenson and J H Strange, J. Chem. Phys.
108, (19): 8195-8198, 1998.
- Magnetic Resonance and Porous Materials. Peter McDonald and
John Strange, Physics World 11, 29-34, 1998 COMMISSIONED REVIEW
- Microdynamics and Phase Equilibria in Organic Nano-crystals.
H F Booth and J H Strange, Mag Res Imaging, 16, (5-6): 501-504, 1998.
- Diffusion Processes in Confined Materials. D W Aksnes, L
Gjerdaker, S G Allen, H F Booth, M E Smith and J H Strange,
Mag Res Imaging, 16 , 579-581, 1998.
- Susceptibility Effects in Unsaturated Porous Silica, S G
Allen, M.Mallett, M E Smith and J H Strange, Mag. Res. Imaging,
16, (5-6): 597-600, 1998.
- Editorial for Fourth International Meeting on MR Applications
to Porous Media, G C Borgia, P Fantazzini and J H Strange, Mag.
Res. Imaging, 16, 449-450, 1998.
- Composition Effects in Polyetherurethane-Based Solid Polymer Electrolytes. Ng, STC; Forsyth, M; Macfarlane, DR; Garcia, M; Smith, ME; Strange, JH. Polymer 39 (25): 6261-6268. 1998.
- Diffusion-Weighted Imaging of Bacteria Colonies in the STRAFI
plane, K.J.Carlton, M.R.Halse and J.H.Strange, J. Mag. Reson.
143, 24-29, 2000.
- Capillary imbibation and pore characterisation in cement pastes.
A Leventis, D A Verganelakis, M R Halse, J B Webber and
J H Strange, Transport in Porous Media, 39, (2): 143-157, 2000.
- Structural Studies of Water in Confined Geometry by Neutron Diffraction. Dore, J. Chemical Physics 258 (2-3): 327-347. 2000.
- Neutron Diffraction Studies of An Argon/Amorphous Ice Co-Deposit Using Isotopic Substitution. Dore, JC; Blakey, DM; Chieux, P; Palleau, P. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2 (8): 1603-1606. 2000
- An evaluation of NMR Cryoporometry, Density Measurement
and Neutron Scattering methods of pore characterisation. JBW Webber,
JH Strange & JC Dore, Magnetic Resonance Imaging 19, 3-4, 395-399. 2001.
- Combined MR-Relaxation and MR-Cryoporometry in the study
of bone microstructure P Fantazzini, R, Viola, SM Alnaimi &
JH Strange, Magnetic Resonance Imaging 19, (3-4): 481-484, 2001.
- Morphology of porous media studies by nuclear magnetic resonance
line shapes and spin-echo decays, SG Allen, MJD Mallett & JH
Strange, Journal of Chemical Physics,114, (7): 3258-3264, 2001.
- Mesopore developments in fired clays, L Betteridge & JH Strange,
Magnetic Resonance Imaging 19, 570, 2001.
- MRI of pore size distributions in fault sealing oil reservoir
rock core samples by cryoporometric filtering techniques, Mallett
MJD, Clennell MB, Strange JH & Fisher Q, Magnetic Resonance
Imaging 19, 577, 2001.
- Editorial for Fifth International Meeting on MR Applications
to Porous Media, G C Borgia, P Fantazzini,Gore and J H Strange,
Mag. Res. Imaging, 19, (3-4): 291-292, 2001.
- Solid State NMR and X-Ray Studies of The Structural Evolution of Nanocrystalline Zirconia. Chadwick, AV; Mountjoy, G; Nield, VM; Poplett, IJF; Smith, ME; Strange, JH; Tucker, MG. Chemistry of Materials 13 (4): 1219-1229. 2001.
- Raman Scattering Studies of The Graphitization Process in Anthracene- and Saccharose-Based Carbons. Burian, A; Daniel, P; Duber, S; Dore, J. Philosophical Magazine B-Physics of Condensed Matter Statistical Mechanics Electronic Optical and Magnetic Properties 81 (5): 525-540. 2001.
- Phase Transformations for Cyclohexane in Mesoporous Silicas,
J C Dore, JBW Webber, JH Strange, H Farman, M Descamps and L
Carpentier. Physica A 2002.
- Characterisation of Porous Materials, JH Strange, L Betteridge
and MJD Mallett, NATO ASI series : Surface and Interface Science
Ed: J Fraissard 2002
- Some unusual features in the behaviour of cyclohexane in
confined geometry studied by neutron scattering. H. Farman,
J.C. Dore and J.B.W. Webber.
Journal of Molecular Liquids. 96-97 353-362, 2002.
- Neutron Diffraction Studies of Structural Phase Transformations
for Water-Ice in Confined Geometry. John Dore, Beau Webber,
Monika Hartl, Peter Behrens and Thomas Hansen.
Physica A, 314, 1-4, 501-507, 2002.
- Analysis of The Local Order in The Glacial State of Triphenyl Phosphite by Neutron Diffraction. Hedoux, A; Dore, J; Guinet, Y; Bellissent-Funel, MC; Prevost, D; Descamps, M; Grandjean, D. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 4 (22): 5644-5648. 2002.
- Pore Surface Exploration by NMR. JH Strange, J Mitchell and
JBW Webber,
Magn. Reson. Imaging 21, (3-4): 221-226, Apr-May, 2003.
- Wide and Low Angle Neutron Scattering of Water-Pyridine Mixtures. Bako, I; Palinkas, G; Dore, JC; Fischer, H; Jovari, P. Chemical Physics Letters 388 (4-6): 468-472. 2004.
- Phase transformations for cyclohexane in mesoporous silicas.
John Dore, Beau Webber, John Strange, Hossein Farman, Marc
Descamps and Laurent Carpentier.
Physica A, 333, 10-16, 2004.
- Binary liquid mixtures in porous solids.
Alnaimi SM, Mitchell J, Strange JH, Webber JBW.
Journal Of Chemical Physics.
120 (5): 2075-2077, 1st February 2004.
- Characterisation of porous solids using
small-angle scattering and NMR cryoporometry.
J.C. Dore, J.B.W. Webber and J.H. Strange.
Proceedings of the Third International TRI/Princeton Workshop on "Characterization of Porous Materials: From Angstroms to Millimeters", Edited by Alexander V. Neimark.
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. & Eng. Aspects. 241, (1-3): 191-200, 2004.
- Structure of Assemblies of Metal Nanowires in Mesoporous Alumina Membranes Studied by EXAFS, XANES, X-Ray Diffraction and SAXS. Benfield, RE; Grandjean, D; Dore, JC; Esfahanian, H; Wu, ZH; Kroll, M; Geerkens, M; Schmid, G. Faraday Discussions 125: 327-342. 2004.
- Local Structure of Saccharose- and Anthracene-Based Carbons Studied by Wide-Angle High-Energy X-Ray Scattering. Szczygielska, A; Burian, A; Dore, JC; Honkimaki, V; Duber, S. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 362 (1-2): 307-313. 2004.
- Structural Studies of Metallic Nanowires with Synchrotron Radiation. Benfield, R; Dore, JC; Grandjean, D; Kroll, M. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 362 (1-2): 48-55. 2004.
- Binary Liquid Mixtures in Porous Solids. Alnaimi, SM; Mitchell, J; Strange, JH; Webber, JBW. Journal of Chemical Physics 120 (5): 2075-2077. 2004.
Structural and Dynamic Studies of Water in
Mesoporous Silicas using Neutron Scattering and
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance.
Beau Webber and John Dore.
Invited article, IoP: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter -
Special Issue: Water in Confined Geometry.
16, S5449-S5470, 2004. PII: S0953-8984(04)78970-5.
- Probing Surface Interactions by Combining NMR Cryoporometry and NMR Relaxometry. Mitchell, J; Stark, SC; Strange, JH. Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 38 (12): 1950-1958. 2005.
- The Architecture of Cell Wall-Associated Melanin in the Human Pathogenic Fungus Cryptococcus Neoforman.
Helene C. Eisenman, Joshua D. Nosanchuk, J. Beau W. Webber, Ray J. Emerson, Terri A. Camesano and Arturo Casadevall.
Biochemistry, 44, 3683-3693, 2005.
DOI: 10.1021/bi047731m
- Neutron diffraction and NMR relaxation studies of structural variation and phase transformations for water/ice in SBA-15 silica. I: The over-filled case.
E. Liu, J.C. Dore, J.B.W. Webber, D. Kushalani, S. Jahnert, G.H. Findenegg, and T. Hansen.
IoP: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. 18 10009-10028, 2006.
- Clathrate formation and dissociation in
vapour/water/ice/hydrate systems in SBA-15, Sol-Gel and CPG
porous media, as probed by NMR relaxation, novel protocol NMR
Cryoporometry, Neutron Scattering and ab-initio QM-MD
J. Beau W. Webber, Ross Anderson, John H. Strange, Bahman Tohidi.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Vol 25/4, pp 533-536, 2007.
- Plastic ice in confined geometry: The evidence from neutron diffraction and NMR relaxation.
J. Beau W. Webber, John C. Dore, John H. Strange, Ross Anderson, Bahman Tohidi.
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 415117, 2007, Special Issue:
Proceedings of The International Workshop On Current Challenges in Liquid and Glass Science (The Cosener's House, Abingdon, Uk, 10-12 January 2007).
Structural studies of cyclohexane in confined geometry by neutron diffraction.
H. Farman & J. C. Dore.
Chinese Journal of Physics,
- Neutron Diffraction Cryoporometry - a measurement technique for studying mesoporous materials and the phases of contained liquids and their crystalline forms.
J. Beau W. Webber, John C. Dore.
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 586, 356-366, 2008.
doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2007.12.004
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Cryoporometry
J. Mitchell, J. Beau W. Webber and J.H. Strange.
Physics Reports, 461, 1-36, 2008.
DOI: 10.1016/j.physrep.2008.02.001
- Structural characterization of water and ice in mesoporous {SBA}-15 silicas: II. The ‘almost-filled’ case for 86 Å pore diameter.
J. Seyed-Yazdi, H. Farman, J.C. Dore, J. Beau W. Webber, G.H. Findenegg, and T. Hansen.
IoP: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20, 205107, 2008. (10 pp).
DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/20/20/205107
- Structural characterization of water and ice in mesoporous {SBA}-15 silicas: III. The triplet profile for 86 Å pore diameter.
J. Seyed-Yazdi, H. Farman, J.C. Dore, J. Beau W. Webber and G.H. Findenegg.
IoP: Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 20, 205108, 2008. (12 pp).
DOI: 10.1088/0953-8984/20/20/205108
- Neutron Diffraction Cryoporometry - a measurement technique for studying mesoporous materials and the phases of contained liquids and their crystalline forms.
J. Beau W. Webber, John C Dore.
Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A, 586, 356-366, 2008.
DOI: 10.1016/j.nima.2007.12.004
Gas Hydrate Growth and Dissociation in Narrow Pore Networks: Capillary Inhibition and Hysteresis Phenomena.
R. Anderson; B. Tohidi & J.B.W. Webber.
Sediment-Hosted Gas Hydrates:
New Insights on Natural and Synthetic Systems. The Geological Society, London, Special Publications,Sediment-Hosted Gas Hydrates: New Insights on Natural and Synthetic Systems,
Dynamics at Surfaces : Probing the dynamics of polar and
a-polar liquids at silica and vapour surfaces.
J. Beau W. Webber, John H. Strange, Philip A. Bland, Ross Anderson and Bahman Tohidi.
American Institute of Physics (AIP) Conference Proceedings Series, 1081, 51, 2008.
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN POROUS MEDIA: Proceedings of the 9th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media (MRPM9).
DOI: 10.1063/1.3058545
Why aqueous alteration in asteroids was isochemical: High porosity not equal high permeability.
P. A. Bland; M. D. Jackson; R. F. Coker; B. A. Cohen; J. B. W. Webber; M. R. Lee; C. M. Duffy; R. J. Chater; M. G. Ardakani; D. S. McPhail; D. W. McComb & G. K. Benedix.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters,
- Why you can't use water to make cryoporometric measurements of the pore size distributions in meteorites - or in high iron content clays, rocks or concrete.
J. Beau W. Webber, Philip A. Bland, John H. Strange, Ross Anderson and Bahman Tohidi.
Diffusion Fundamentals, 10, 3.1 - 3.3, 2009.
MAGNETIC RESONANCE IN POROUS MEDIA: Proceedings of the 9th International Bologna Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media (MRPM9).
- Gas Hydrate Growth and Dissociation in Narrow Pore Networks: Capillary Inhibition and Hysteresis Phenomena.
R. Anderson; B. Tohidi & J.B.W. Webber.
Sediment-Hosted Gas Hydrates: New Insights on Natural and Synthetic Systems. Eds: Long, D., Lovell, M.A., Rees, J.G. and Rochelle, C.A. The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 319, 145-159, 2009.
DOI: 10.1144/SP319.12 0305-8719/09
- Aqueous alteration in primitive asteroids: High porosity ≠ high permeability.
Philip A. Bland, Matthew D. Jackson, Robert F. Coker, Barbara A. Cohen, J. Beau W. Webber, Martin R. Lee, Christina M. Duffy, Richard J. Chater, Mahmoud G. Ardakani, David S. McPhail, David W. McComb & Gretchen K. Benedix.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 287, 559-568, 2009.
DOI: 10.1016/j.epsl.2009.09.004
Studies of water and ice in hydrophilic and hydrophobic mesoporous
silicas: pore characterisation and phase transformations.
Jahwar Jelassi, Hessel L. Castricum, Marie-Claire Bellissent-Funel,
John Dore, J. Beau W. Webber and Rachida Sridi-Dorbez.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 12, 2838-2849, 2010.
DOI: 10.1039/b908400b
Studies of nano-structured liquids in confined geometry and at surfaces.
J. Beau W. Webber. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy, 56, 1, 78-93, 2010.
DOI: 10.1016/j.pnmrs.2009.09.001 (Invited.)
NMR Looks Deep Inside Nooks and Crannies.
Beau Webber.
Nano-metrology of porous structures - I.
Comparison of measured neutron scattering with calculated scattering, to access pore lattice, diameter and wall parameters, using models of extended arrays of regular or randomised pores..
J.Beau W. Webber.
- NMR Mice : The way forward for concrete ? J.B.W Webber.
Invited Colloquium by JBWW, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,
Lausanne. January 2003.
- Orientationally Disordered Crystals in Porous Silica: Cyclohexane,
with J.C. Dore, M. Dunn, T. Hasebe, BRSG and the CISG Conference
on NMR in Colloid and Interface Science, Bristol, April 1988.
- Structure and Dynamics of Cyclohexane in Bulk and Constrained
Geometry, with J.C. Dore, M. Dunn, T. Hasebe and M.C. Bellissent-Funel,
Workshop on the Dynamics of Disordered Materials , Springer-Verlag,
ILL September 1988.
- The Effects of Pore and Particle Geometry on NMR Diffusion
Measurements in Adsorbed Liquids. with S. Bahceli, A.R.S. Al-Kaisi
and K. Krynicki, COPS II, Alicante, May 1990.
- NMR Studies of Fluids in Porous Silica with F. Coveney, A.
Mitzithras, Royal Society of Chemistry, Fraraday Symposium No.
26, Dec. 1990.
- Characterisation of Porous Solids by NMR, with M. Rahman
and E.G. Smith of Unilever at "Non-invasive methods", Unilever
Research Conference, Chester, October 21/23, 1991.
- The Diffusion of Decane into Rubber with H.J. Rahman and
M.R. Halse, BRSG, University of Kent, Canterbury, September
- NMR Studies of Diffusion of Liquids in Porous Silica A. Mitzithras,
F. Coveney, and J.H. Strange, BRSG Conference, University of
Kent, Canterbury, September 1991.
- Characterisation of Porous Solids by NMR with M. Rahman and
E.G. Smith, BRSG Conference, University of Kent, Canterbury,
September 1991.
- Self-Diffusion of Liquids in Porous Media by NMR A. Mitzithras,
F.M. Coveney and J.H. Strange, Extended Abstracts,P.353-354,
26th Congress Ampere, NSR Democritos, Athens, 1992.
- NMR Studies of Molecular Mobility and Diffusion in Porous
Systems E.G. Smith, J.W. Rockliffe, P.J. McDonald, A. Lonergan,
M.R. Halse, B. Leone and J.H. Strange, Second International
Meeting on 'Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media',
Univ. of Kent at Canterbury, April 1993. INVITED
- Ingress of Water into Zeolite B. Leone, M.R. Halse, J.H.
Strange, P.J. McDonald, A.R. Lonergan, P. Hughes and E. Smith,
Second International Meeting on 'Recent Advances in MR Applications
to Porous Media', Univ. of Kent at Canterbury, April 1993.
- The Characterization of Porous solids by NMR S.M. Alnaimi,
J.H. Strange and E.G. Smith, Second International Meeting on
'Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media', Univ.
of Kent at Canterbury, April 1993.
- Diffusion of Fluids in Confined Geometry A. Mitzithras and
J.H. Strange, Second International Meeting on 'Recent Advances
in MR Applications to Porous Media', Univ. of Kent at Canterbury,
April 1993.
- Pore Characterisation by NMR J.H. Strange, S.M. Alnaimi,
M. Rahman and E.G. Smith, IEEE (London) NMR/MRI in NDT Colloquium
Digest 94/033, 5/1-5/3, 1994. (Unrefereed).
- Molecular Motion in Nano crystalline Cyclohexane J H Strange
and S M Alnaimi Invited Lecture 27th Congress Ampere, INVITED
Extended Abstracts Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena
VI p. 129, 1994.
- Spatial Determination of Poresize Distribution J H Strange,
J B Webber and S D Schmidt. Paper presented by JBWW at British
Radiofrequency Spectroscopy Group Spring Meeting - University
of Exeter, 27-28 March 1995.
- Measuring and Imaging of Pore Size Distributions. J.B.W
Webber. Poster presentation, British Radiofrequency Spectroscopy
Group Spring Meeting, University of Exeter, 27-28 March 1995.
- X-Ray absorption and NMR spectroscopy of nanocrystalline
oxides A V Chadwick, M E Smith, J H Strange Poster presented
at ESF NANO Workshop, Helsinki, September 1995. INVITED
- Dynamics in nanoparticles by NMR J H Strange, M E Smith,
P C L Stephenson Poster presented at ESF NANO Workshop, Helsinki,
September 1995. INVITED
- Characterisation of Porous Solids by NMR J H Strange and
J B W Webber : Specialised Colloque Ampere, Corfu 1995 INVITED
- Phase Equilibria of Absorbed Liquids and the Structure of
Porous Media J H Strange, S G Allen, P C L Stephenson and N
P Matveeva Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media,
Louvain le Neuve, 1995
- Pore Size Distribution Mapping J H Strange, J B W Webber
and S D Schmidt. Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous
Media, Louvain le Neuve, 1995 INVITED
- Possible anomalous diffusion of cyclohexane in porous silica
S G Allen, M E Smith, J H Strange, L Gjerdaker and D W Aksnes,
Magnetic Resonance & Related Phenomena, p 308, 1996, Kent University
(Eds M E Smith and J H Strange), Extended Abstracts, 28th Congress
- NMR study of motions within molecular crystals S Holmes,
P C L Stephenson, J H Strange, F G Riddell and M Rogerson, Magnetic
Resonance & Related Phenomena, p 358, 1996, Kent University
(Eds M E Smith and J H Strange), Extended Abstracts, 28th Congress
- Multidimensionally resolved pore size distributions J H Strange
and J B W Webber, Poster presentation by JBWW. Magnetic Resonance
& Related Phenomena, p 394, 1996, Kent University (Eds M E Smith
and J H Strange), Extended Abstracts, 28th Congress Ampere.
- Imaging pore connectivivity through sealing fault rocks with
NMR Mike Mallett, M. Ben Clennell, John H. Strange, and Quentin
J. Fisher http://aapg.confex.com/aapg/no2000/techprogram/paper_1940.htm
Proc. American Association Petroleum Geologists Annual Meeting,
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 12-15, 2000, Paper no. 1940
- 3D NMR Cryoporometry of Pore Size Distributions in Fault
Sealing Oil Reservoir Rock Core Samples Mallett MJD, Clennell
MB, Strange JH & Fisher Q Conference Proceedings BRSG NMR Conference
on Applications in Earth Sciences, 27th - 28th March 2000, Cambridge
- A Study of the Fine Pore Size Distribution of an Ordered/Disordered
Kaolinite Clay Mineral by NMR Cryoporometry , Betteridge L &
Strange JH Conference ProceedingsBRSG,NMR Conference on Applications
in Earth Sciences, 27th - 28th March 2000, Cambridge UK
- Fine Pore Size Distribution of an Ordered/Disordered Kaolinite
Clay Mineral by NMR Cryoporometry Betteridge L & Strange JH
AMPERE 2000, '30th Congress Ampere on Magnetic Resonance and
Related Phenomena' 23-28 July 2000, Lisbon, Portugal
- An Evaluation of NMR Cryoporometry, Density Measurement and
Neutron Scattering Methods of Pore Characterisation ,Webber
JBW, Strange JH & Dore JC, Oral presentation by JBWW, Fifth
International Meeting on Recent Advances in MR Applications
to Porous Media, October 9-11 2000, Bologna, Italy
- Combined MR-Relaxation and MR-Cryoporometry in the Study
of bone Microstructure, Fantazzini P, Viola R, Alnaimi SM &
Strange JH, Fifth International Meeting on Recent Advances in
MR Applications to Porous Media, October 9-11 2000, Bologna,
- Distributions in ordered/disordered Kaolinite Clay Mineral
by NMR Cryoporometry and MAS Spectroscopy Betteridge L & Strange
JH Ampere Workshop ' Applications of Magnetic Resonance in Novel
Materials' NCSR Demokritos, Nafplion, Greece, 3-9 September
- Imaging Pore Connectivity through Sealing Fault Rocks with
NMR, Mallett MJD, Clennell MB, Strange JH & Fisher Q ,AAPG Annual
Meeting, 'Marching into Global Markets - A World of Resources',
New Orleans, USA, 16/4/00
- Mesopore Development in Fired Clays, Betteridge L & Strange
JH, Fifth International Meeting on Recent Advances in MR Applications
to Porous Media, October 9-11 2000, Bologna, Italy.
- MRI of Pore Size Distributions in Fault Sealing Oil Reservoir
rock Core Samples by Cryoporometric filtering Techniques, Mallett
MJD, Clennell MB, Strange JH & Fisher Fifth International Meeting
on Recent Advances in MR Applications to Porous Media, October
9-11 2000, Bologna, Italy.
- NMR in Nano-Systems, Strange JH, AMPERE 2000, '30th Congress
Ampere on Magnetic Resonance and Related Phenomena' 23-28 July
2000, Lisbon, Portugal PLENARY
- Water Ingress in Various Cementitious Materials: A NMR Fringe-Field
Imaging and Cryoporometric Study, Verganelakis D, Leventis A,
Halse M, Mallett M, Strange J, Hunter G & Jones M, 3rd Greek
Scientific Congress in Chemical Engineering, Athens, 31st May
- 2nd June 2001.
- Phase relations for water and ice in confined geometry.
John Dore, Beau Webber, Peter Behrens, Christian Haggenmuller,
Dan Montague. Oral presentation by JCD, Nato ARW International
Conference, Volga, 2001.
- Phase transformations for cyclohexane in mesoporous silicas.
John Dore, Beau Webber, John Strange, Hossein Farman, Marc Descamps
and Laurent Carpentier. Oral presentation by JCD, Nato ARW International
Conference, Volga, 2001.
- Determinació de la porositat en silici porosa per ressonància
magnètica nuclear i calorimetria differencial, Bouzidi A, Farjas
J, Roura P, Mitchell J & Strange JH ,XVII Trobades Científiques
de la Mediterrània, Maó (Menorca) 12, 13 & 14 September 2001.
- Neutron Diffraction Studies of Structural Phase Transformations
for Water-Ice in Confined Geometry. John Dore, Beau Webber,
Monika Hartl, Peter Behrens and Thomas Hansen. Oral presentation
by JCD, Messina, 2002.
- NMR Mice, Surface Crawlers and Pillar Huggers - The way
forward for concrete ? J.B.W.Webber & J.H. Strange. Oral
presentation by JBWW, 22nd International Conference on Cement
and Concrete Science, Greenwich, UK, 2002.
- Structural change and nucleation characteristics of liquids
in confined geometry John Dore and Beau Webber, Dan Montegue,
Thomas Hansen. Oral presentation by JCD. Advanced Study Institute:
Novel Approaches to the Structure and Dynamics of Liquids: Experiments,
Theories and Simulations, Rhodes, Greece, September 2002.
- Pore Surface Exploration by NMR. J.H. Strange, J.
Mitchell and J.B.W.Webber. Invited lecture by JHS, 6th International
Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous Media, Ulm, Germany,
- A generalisation of the thermoporosimetry Gibbs-Thomson
equation for arbitrary pore geometry. J.B.W.Webber. Poster
presentation, 6th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance
in Porous Media, Ulm, Germany, 2002. Magn. Reson. Imaging 21,
(3-4): 428, Apr-May, 2003.
- NMR studies of Napthalene in porous sol-gel silicas.
J. Mitchell, J.H. Strange and J.B.W.Webber. Poster presentation,
6th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous
Media, Ulm, Germany, 2002.
- NMR Cryoporometry : Application to Wood Composite Structures.
J.B.W. Webber. Poster presentation, EC Framework 5 Dissemination
Meeting : Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Wood at its Interface
with Glue, Coatings and Air, Surrey, 28 January 2003.
- Studies of confined liquids in equilibrium by combining
NS, SANS & NMR Cryoporometry, using analytic and numerical models.
J.B.W. Webber. Poster presentation, Advances in the Fundamental
Properties of Confined Fluids, Abingdon, 23-25 April 2003.
- Neutron diffraction studies of structural phase transitions
for water and cyclohexane in various mesoporous silicas.
John Dore, John Strange and Beau Webber. Poster presentation,
Advances in the Fundamental Properties of Confined Fluids, Abingdon,
23-25 April 2003.
- NS, SANS & NMR Cryoporometry : The Macrostructure of
Nanostructure. J.B.W. Webber. Poster presentation, Nanoscale
Physics and Technology. Inaugural meeting of the Nanoscale Physics
and Technology Group of the Institute of Physics, Reading, 25
May 2003.
- Characterisation of porous solids using small-angle scattering
and NMR cryoporometry. J.C. Dore, J.B.W. Webber and J.H.
Strange. Oral presentation by JCD, Characterisation of Porous
Materials from Angstroms to millimeters, The Third International
TRI/Princeton Workshop, Princeton, New Jersey, 23-25 June 2003.
- Nanoscale structural characterisation by combining NS,
SANS & NMR Cryoporometry measurements, using Analytic and Numerical
models of structured systems. J.B.W. Webber, J.C. Dore,
J.H. Strange. Oral presentation by JBWW, European Congress and
Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, EUROMAT 2003,
Lausanne, 1-5 Sept. 2003.
- NMR & NS Diffraction Cryoporometry: The Macrostructure
of Nanostructure. J.B.W. Webber. Poster presentation, European
Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes,
EUROMAT 2003, Lausanne, 1-5 Sept. 2003.
- Water/Ice at an SBA Silica Surface.
J.B.W.Webber. Poster Presentation.
Probing Structure at the Nanoscale: Fact, Fiction or Hype ?
BCA Physical Crystallography Group, and the
IoP Structural Condensed Matter Physics Group.
Abingdon. 8-9 December, 2003.
- Porosimetry at Low Pore Volumes :
NMR Cryoporometry studies of Fungal Melanin Shells.
J.B.W. Webber, Joshua D. Nosanchuk and Arturo Casadevall.
Poster Presentation. Advances in NMR on Small Amounts of Material.
NMRDG Spring Meeting, Charnwood, Loughborough. 26 February, 2004.
- The Phase, Structure and Dynamics of Water/Ice
at an SBA silica surface.
J.B.W. Webber, J.H. Strange, J.C. Dore.
Poster Presentation. 7th International Conference on Magnetic Resonance in Porous
Media, Paris, 2004.
- Are we observing plastic ice in SBA silica
and clathrate systems?
J.B.W. Webber, J.H. Strange, J.C. Dore.
Poster Presentation by JBWW.
British Radio Spectroscopy Group historical meeting,
Coseners House, Abingdon.
21st to 22nd March, 2005.
- The modification of the Gibbs Free Energy of liquids by
nano- to meso-structuring, and the consequent
modification of the liquid dynamics and phase-change
J.B.W. Webber,
Oral Presentation.
Alistore Theory Group,
7th April, 2005.
- How do we make simultaneous NMR relaxation and
scattering measurements ?
J.B.W. Webber,
Oral Presentation.
ISIS Disordered Users Group,
Coseners House, Abingdon.
29th to 30th June, 2005.
Probing surface interactions by combining NMR cryoporometry and NMR relaxometry.
J. Mitchell; S. C. Stark & J. H. Strange.
J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys.,
Microstructure of cell wall-associated melanin in the human pathogenic fungus cryptococcus neoformans.
H. C. Eisenman; J. D. Nosanchuk; J. B. W. Webber; R. J. Emerson; T. A. Camesano & A. Casadevall.
- Gas Hydrate Growth and Dissociation in Narrow Pore Networks: Capillary Inhibition and Hysteresis Phenomena.
Anderson, R. Tohidi, B and Webber, J.B.W.
Geological Society of London Conference on Sediment-hosted Gas Hydrates: New Insights on Natural and Synthetic Systems, London, 25-26, January 2006.
NMR relaxation and novel Cryoporometry studies of clathrate formation and dissolution in vapour/water/ice/hydrate systems.
J. Beau W. Webber, Ross Anderson, John H. Strange and Bahman Tohidi.
Oral and poster presentations by JBWW, Euromar, York. 16th to 21st July, 2006.
NMR Relaxation measurements indicate that the so-called "un-freezable" water layer in pores is actually plastic (rotator phase) ice.
J. Beau W. Webber, Ross Anderson, John H. Strange and Bahman Tohidi.
Poster presentation, British Radio Spectroscopy Group 50th meeting, Nottingham, 4th Sept, 2006.
Clathrate formation and dissociation in vapour/water/ice/hydrate
systems in SBA-15, Sol-Gel and CPG porous media, as probed by NMR
relaxation, novel protocol NMR Cryoporometry, Neutron Scattering and
ab-initio QM-MD simulation.
J. Beau W. Webber, Ross Anderson, John H. Strange and Bahman Tohidi.
Oral presentation by JBWW, 8th International Meeting on Recent Advances in
MR Applications to Porous Media, Bologna, Italy, 10th to 14th September, 2006.
The dimensional term in the Gibbs-Thomson equation, describing the behaviour of liquids in porous media, is being investigated by NMR relaxation, novel protocol NMR Cryoporometry, Neutron Scattering and ab Initio QM-MD simulation.
J. Beau W. Webber.
Poster presentation, 8th International Meeting on Recent Advances in
MR Applications to Porous Media, Bologna, Italy, 10th to 14th September, 2006.
Water/ice in nano-pores : brittle vs. plastic, crystalline vs. amorphous
Beau Webber,
John Dore, Ross Anderson, John H. Strange, and Bahman Tohidi.
Oral presentation, ISIS Disordered Materials User Group,
Rutherford Lab, 31st October, 2006.
Clathrate formation and dissociation in vapor/water/ice/hydrate systems in SBA-15, sol-gel and CPG porous media, as probed by NMR relaxation, novel protocol NMR cryoporometry, neutron scattering and ab initio quantum-mechanical molecular dynamics simulation.
J. B. W. Webber; R. Anderson; J. H. Strange & B. Tohidi.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging,
Neutron diffraction and NMR relaxation studies of water/ice systems in SBA-15, MCM,
and other templated porous silicas.
J. Beau W. Webber, John C. Dore, John H. Strange, Ross Anderson and Bahman Tohidi.
International Workshop on Current Challenges in Liquid and Glass Science.
The Cosener's House, Abingdon. 10th to 12th January, 2007.
Plastic ice in confined geometry: the evidence from neutron diffraction and NMR relaxation.
J. B. W. Webber; J. C. Dore; J. H. Strange; R. Anderson & B. Tohidi.
Journal of Physics-condensed Matter,
Structural studies of cyclohexane in confined geometry by neutron diffraction.
H. Farman & J. C. Dore.
Chinese Journal of Physics,
Capillary Pressure Controlled Methane Hydrate and Ice Growth-Dissociation Patterns in Porous Media: Synthetic Silica versus Natural Sandstone.
Ross Anderson; Beau Webber & Bahman Tohidi.
6th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, Vancouver, Canada, July 6-10, 2008.
Why you can’t use water to make Cryoporometric measurements of the pore size distributions in meteorites
- or in high iron content clays, rocks or concrete.
J. Beau W. Webber, Philip A. Bland, John H. Strange, Ross Anderson and Bahman Tohidi.
Poster presentation by JBWW, 9th International Meeting on Recent Advances in
MR Applications to Porous Media, 13th to 17th July, 2008.
Dynamics at Surfaces : Probing the dynamics of polar and
a-polar liquids at silica and vapour surfaces.
J. Beau W. Webber, John H. Strange, Philip A. Bland, Ross Anderson and Bahman Tohidi.
Oral presentation by JBWW, 9th International Meeting on Recent Advances in
MR Applications to Porous Media, 13th to 17th July, 2008.
Dynamics in confined geometry and at silica and vapour interfaces.
J. Beau W. Webber, John H. Strange, John C. Dore, Philip A. Bland, Ross Anderson and Bahman Tohidi.
Oral presentation by JBWW, ISIS Molecular Spectroscopy User Group Meeting, 4th to 5th November, 2008.
Gas Hydrate Growth and Dissociation in Narrow Pore Networks: Capillary Inhibition and Hysteresis Phenomena.
R. Anderson; B. Tohidi & J.B.W. Webber.
Sediment-Hosted Gas Hydrates:
New Insights on Natural and Synthetic Systems. The Geological Society, London, Special Publications,Sediment-Hosted Gas Hydrates: New Insights on Natural and Synthetic Systems, Oral presentation by RA.
- An NMR study of porous rock and biochar containing organic material.
J. Beau W. Webber,
Patrick Corbett, Kirk T. Semple, Uchenna Ogbonnaya,
Wayne S. Teel, Carrie A. Masiello, Quentin J. Fisher,
John J Valenza II, Yi-Qiao Song.
Abstract accepted.
